Monday, May 27, 2013

Stories of Hope: Asean Johnson

I'm an optimistic person.  The closing of 50 schools in the Chicago Public School system could be a story of despair.  But, for a moment, I'm looking at the silver -- heavens, a golden! -- lining in this mess.  And that beautiful, shining streak of hope is Asean Johnson.

Asean is 9 years old and attends Marcus Garvey Elementary.  He has been speaking out about his school for months.  Asean is not only intelligent, he is dedicated and well educated.  He can build a logical argument and support his points with facts, examples and quotations.  He's writing well above grade level, according to the Common Core Standards!  But more than that, he is using those skills with purpose.  He has passion.  He is engaging in a democracy by using his free speech to become an active member of our political system.  Remember, he's only 9!!

Watch the video of his speech at a rally a few days before the school board's vote on the closings.  Seriously, watch the video.  It's 3 minutes you won't regret and which will lift your spirits.  Some people look at Asean and wonder if we're looking at the next Martin Luther King, Jr.  Some have suggested that Asean run for mayor (once he's old enough).  I am confident that Asean can be just about anything he wants to be.

Of course, I believe that about all of our children.  When children are encouraged to use the skills they learn in school to work for goals they feel passionate about they are turned on.  They become passionate.  Asean Johnson is not, necessary, an anomaly.  He is an example of the kind of intelligent engagement we could be encouraging in all of our children.  What is astounding about Asean is that he has had the will to develop that intelligent engagement in the face of a deadening school system. 

When the Chicago School Board came together to decide the fate of 54 schools last Wednesday, they faced a lot of opposition from parents and teachers.  They also faced Asean Johnson.  In the end, the board voted to close 50 of those schools.  Marcus Garvey was not one of them.  I suspect that Asean Johnson may be one of the reasons why.

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